22 March 2012

You are living the highest standard of parenting; keep doing exactly what you are doing!

Did you see the article in the news the other day stating that 'Parenting guides 'make mothers feel inadequate' as they set standards too high.' At eat play grow our passion is all about inspiring your child’s development by providing you, as the parent or caregiver with tips and activity ideas to ensure you have the knowledge to make an informed decision for your child. It is important to note that we are not another parenting guide. No doubt you received someone’s opinion since the day you shared your fabulous news that you were pregnant, from strangers to friends and family. For some reason being pregnant means you are the property of others so therefore they think they have the right to tell you what they think. Well you are not the property of others, you are your own person and you stick to your ideas when deciding how you are going to parent your child. Remember your child is your child!  There is no right or wrong way; there is just your way so enjoy the ride as both you and your baby are learning together creating your very own special relationship – this is your parenting book.
In my classes and workshops I say to parents, “I am here to provide you with what I know (about different developmental topics) and then you can do with that information what you like, no one knows what goes on in your house and as long as you are providing a safe environment for your child to develop and grow then trust your instincts, because your instincts are right!” I have to laugh when people tell me, you are going to be a great parent as you have so much knowledge – well maybe, yes, but I am scared that too much knowledge could be a hindrance as like you I have seen the conflicting information but I guess my advantage is I have been able to learn from parents and what I have learnt is those parents who trust their instincts rather than ‘a particular way’ which is written in a book are much more in tune with their baby and they are having a lot of fun being a parent.  Watching them, I can’t wait!

1 comment:

  1. Great article! While we don't have kids of our own (yet!), raising twins, our parents had to really think on their feet and go with their instincts which seems to have turned out pretty good!

