26 October 2015

Baby Massage

Monnie is now 13 months old and I have the privilege of giving her a massage every night after her bath. We started this at around 2 weeks old. I have always made sure I save 5-10 minutes of her bath time to do this. It was hard when she started to roll and crawl (to keep her still) but her snuggly and a musical mobile (found on trade-me) helped her to focus and relax. It was also my persistence and keeping the routine going that eventually saw us through. 

This is my favourite part, seeing her lay on her tummy in complete relaxation. If you haven't given your baby/toddler a massage lately, give it a try. Through repetition and practice it will become a routine you will both find relaxing and enjoy. I hope it's a routine that will last throughout her childhood and beyond! 

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