31 March 2011

Taking some time for you – celebrating Mother’s Day 2011

If you are reading this you must have found a spare minute in your day – well done! Now can you please try something? Breathe. Close your eyes and take a long inhalation through your nose and see if you can match the length of your inhalation with your exhalation out through your nose. Repeat three times. Try not to open your eyes but feel the breath expanding from deep within your belly and rising up through your chest; hold that for a brief second and then release out through your nose. Repeat three more times. How do you feel? 

It is a moment like this which can help you get through your day, have energy to play with your child, have energy to be a wife but most importantly have energy to be yourself. I once read somewhere that if a woman gives up one part of herself – whether it is the woman in her, the mother in her or the wife in her then the other two parts will suffer. I thought this was very powerful. Can you please try something else? Take some time to think “how can I reconnect to me?” Living a life where you put yourself first is not living a selfish life but one that will benefit others in it. A happy you will equal a happy family – that is one of the most important things to remember of all.

When I asked you to breathe at the beginning you were participating in an aspect of yoga – breathing connects the mind and the body. On the inhalation you are nourishing and oxygenating your body while on the exhalation you are releasing stress, tension and carbon dioxide waste. Breath control can be rejuvenating, energising and centering and one of the most valuable tools to take you through the day. Try to find short moments throughout the day where you can close your eyes and become aware of your breath; it could be while you are in the shower, waiting for the sink to fill with water for dishes or while you are waiting for the computer to load up.

People often say it is important to have a healthy work-life balance. Parenting being important work, it is also important to find a healthy parent-life balance and participating in yoga can help to find this. Breath awareness is just one aspect of yoga – it is an age old practice that has many health and wellbeing benefits. Through a strengthened body and calmed mind, benefits such as improved flexibility and stamina, increased energy and vitality, reduced stress and tension, improved circulation, metabolism and balance, improved confidence and self-esteem can be felt. This can all lead to quality sleep which will allow you to feel fresh and energised to keep up with the day to day runnings of just being you.

Yoga at home

If you can’t get to a yoga class then try introducing a few postures at home – have you ever noticed that every time a cat wakes from a nap it stretches? Try to take a stretch first thing in the morning before you doing anything else. A few suggested postures to do at home are below. Try each posture 3 times.

Chest opener
Stand with feet hip width apart, take an inhalation and as you exhale interlock your fingers and reach out in front of you, inhale as if you feel like someone is pulling you forward by your hands but stay grounded with your feet. Inhale and on the next exhalation stretch high up towards the ceiling, inhale and exhale to release your hands to the side and take behind you and repeat stretching your arms to the back.

Cow and Cat

Start on all fours – have your knees about two fist widths apart with feet pointing directly behind you. Spread fingers wide and place your hands just in front of your shoulders with straight arms. Ensure that the inside of your elbows are facing each other, not rotating towards the front. Sink into your back, stick your bottom out and lift your head (like a cow). Bring your spine back to neutral, tuck your head under and inhale into an arched back like a cat stretching. Repeat.

 Child's Pose

In a kneeling position spread your knees wide, keeping big toes touching. Bring the belly to rest between the thighs and forehead to the floor. Either stretch the arms in front of you with the palms toward the floor or bring the arms back alongside the thighs with the palms facing upwards. Do the most comfortable position for you and breath.

Happy Mother’s Day Mums!
- April 3rd 2011 in the United Kingdom and May 8th 2011 in New Zealand.

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